Mindblow - Simple financial advice and other ways to improve your well-being

Record you expenses

How often did it happen, that by the end of the month, you had no money left to put into your savings account? (by the way, you should always put savings away before anything else) But more importantly, do you have no clue where all that money went?

If that's you, then you're not alone. Most people can not list their monthly spending, not even the recurring ones. If your monthly paycheck is enough for you not to worry about that, then great! But for most people, it would help to have a clear insight into their monthly spending patterns.

To make this recording of spending easier, there are numerous ways. Check your online banking system, some banks recognize your transactions and can make up a clear categorization. Did you spend it on groceries, rent, and car repairments? For most transactions, your bank can make a good guess. And if you not, you can easily make a manual adjustment. Give it a try and see what it does for you. Cut down on those expenses you thought were not that big, but in reality, were eating away at your monthly budget.